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Bruce Billington 布鲁斯·比林顿
Director, GoBusiness BLS Pacific Region         亚太策略基督服务

Bruce Billington is a consultant to both churches and businesses and enjoys working with leaders as a coach and mentor.  Prior to 1990 he spent 18 years in his own business, employing a staff of 20. Along with his consulting work Bruce travels constantly to many parts of the world speaking in churches and at conferences on the message of the Kingdom of God. He was an elder of Christian Fellowship in Upper Hutt for 25 years, and now supports the eldership team as a mentor and advisor.  Bruce founded and established SCS Pacific in New Zealand which serves as a GoStrategic affiliate office.


布鲁斯·比林顿是一位活跃在教会与商界的咨询师,他乐于为领袖们做教练与导师。1990年前他曾打理自己的公司18年,有20名雇员。布鲁斯在工作中也持续在许多的教会和会议中发表关于神的国度的演说。他曾在上哈特的基督徒联谊会中担任长老2年,现在他作为长老会的导师与咨询员。布鲁斯在新西兰创立了亚太策略基督服务, 也作为GoStrategic 的附属工作室.

Dr Gerald Chester 杰拉德·齐思达博士

Dr. Gerald R. Chester is the President of Strategies@Work, LLC, a privately-held management consulting firm focused on helping companies and organizations achieve excellent performance through the implementation of biblical principles and values. Since 1987, he has provided advisory services to over 60 companies and organizations. Gerald holds a Ph.D. in physics from the University of Texas. He resides in Dallas, Texas with his wife Carol.



David & Natalie Holmyard  ⼤卫和娜塔莉 霍姆亚德
Board of GoStrategic

David Holmyard is currently General Manager of Technology and Technical Marketing of one of the largest mining companies in the world.  In this role David works with many global companies and travels extensively to China, UAE, India, Europe and Canada. David has 30 year's experience in the mining and metals industry undertaking both engineering, project and senior management roles. Previously David was managing director of a mid-sized engineering & project management company. David is committed to the environment, health and safety, teamwork and enabling of teams to reach full potential.

David and Natalie together with Bruce Billington oversee the SLT/BLS schools in the Asia Pacific Region. David has been involved with GoStrategic for close to 20 years and was appointed onto GoStrategic Board in April 2015.

David has been married to Natalie for 29 years. Together they have 5 children and 4 grandchildren.

Natalie has been a home schooling teacher for over 23 years. She is also involved in the Strategic Life Training Schools, Business Leadership Schools and in particular running LLGW small groups. Natalie, along with David has served in church life in leadership and eldership roles.

大卫·霍米亚德目前是 在这个角色中,大卫与许多跨国公司合作,并广泛前往中国,阿联酋,印度,欧洲和加拿大。大卫拥有30年的采矿和金属行业经验,承担工程,项目和高级管理职位。 此前,大卫曾担任一家中型工程和项目管理公司的董事总经理。大卫致力于环境,健康和安全,团队合作以及团队充分发挥潜力。


大卫与娜塔莉目前与布鲁斯比林顿同工,帮忙看顾亚太区SLT 和BLS 学校的发展。相近20年的参与, 大卫在2015 年四月被委任入GoStrategic 董事局。

大卫与娜塔莉结婚已29 年,育有五名子女,四个孙子。


娜塔莉拥有超过23 年在家教育的师资经验。她也参与策略生活训练学校,企业领导学校以及LLGW 小组的工作。今日娜塔莉与大卫一起在教会中担任领袖和长老职分的服事,他们都委身于澳洲布里斯班房角石教会。

HF Institute  传承家庭研究院

625 Lor 4 Toa Payoh #05-01 Genmag Building Singapore 319519       Email:     Reg. No.: 53428394B

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